Yoohooo, Well, here's a quick hack for people with the ECS version of Bodyblows Galactic, 3MB+ ram, a HD with 3MB of free space and an assembler... (BTW, you should use the FLT-ECS-version, it might work with the FLT-AGA-version, but I don't have AGA) Step One : ~~~~~~~~ Read cylinders 0-79 of bootdisk and save it in a file called "disk0". Read cylinders 0-79 of disk1 and save it in a file called "disk1". Read cylinders 0-79 of disk2 and save it in a file called "disk2". Each file should have the size : 901120 bytes. Step Two : ~~~~~~~~ Load up an assembler, asmone or devpac will do nicely... Enter these 4 lines as your source : ************************************************************************* INCBIN "loader.bin" INCBIN "disk0" INCBIN "disk1" INCBIN "disk2" ************************************************************************* Then assemble and save as object called : bodyblows_galactic (or something) Run the file an playit like it was supposed to be... :) It's kewwlll... (Yes, just enter : bodyblows_galactic and press enter...) One thing though, the bootdisk is needed in df0: during startup of BODYBLOWS_GALACTIC, it seems to load something with another loader, I think it's the picture... No time to look... It also tries to read the RN protection, no time time to look that up either... If you like you can hack it yourself, I'm not really bothered by using the bootdisk in df0:.... Ok, have fun... [SKULL/TRSI] Quick hello to Irata (still alive?) and Vector/Vision :)